the fire within...

The truth is, girls like to feel special. It doesn't really matter what you do as long and you make them feel special. Romance is doing something out of the ordinary. Just do something different and fun and surprising and she'll love it.
no matter how cheesy it may seems everything would fall pecfectly into place given the proper timing.
romance is not just a mere fantacy created by hopeless romantic dilussionals like me.its one factor in a relationship that we would want to have may not be important to others but its something that makes the magic alive between a couple.
i thought that having a relationship would be like a fairy tale come true.early on i realized that commitment is not just have to face the realiy that it is a two way street and that the world would not just simply revolve around you.i do not regret entering a relationship,i am just wondering, is it just me or is something really going on that i just cant figure out what?
HE is a very rational/practical person.Defies silly traditions like fussing over valentines day and other cheesy stuffs that hopeless romantics fall now,you must probably be wondrin why were still together.friendship is the foundation of a very strong relationship.let romance and passion slip away but as long as there is love,care and trust for the person you dont fall apart that takes a wise person to understand that.
maybe im becoming too demanding.maybe im creating my own problem.why am i the only one feeling it?the magic is still there but it feels like its not as warm as it used to be.maybe its just me.i was afraid to accept this,but it always comes out,the only difference is i dont know what it was then.imagine a lighted candle bring coldness instead of warmth.the more i tried to bring it back,the more he gets oblivious to the things i do.
i alone am trying to rekindle the warmth that i felt was lost but i cannot seem to find a work around...maybe because he does not know...
i tried giving hints but maybe its far beyond logical understanding...
Cupid help me....
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